Health Care

What is Term Life Insurance?

Most insurance products aim at offering protection to the insured and their loved ones against unforeseeable events. As for life insurance, it safeguards the future of your dependents when you die. According to experts at Gibraltar BSN, a good example of this is term life insurance.

What Term Life Insurance Is

This type of life insurance offers temporary financial protection for a fixed and low cost. Usually, this ranges from 5 to 20 years or so. It is suitable for meeting all short-term needs, including funding a child’s education, covering childcare expenses, replacing your income, and paying off debts.

Unlike other types, term life insurance policies don’t have investment or savings components. Without features like these, companies may provide considerable death benefits at a lower rate.

This option basically attracts adults who have a temporary financial need to cover. That is because they may afford more life insurance policies at a realistic cost.

How It Works

When buying term life insurance Malaysia, an insurer will determine the premiums to pay depending on the policy’s value, health, gender, and age.

In some situations, medical exams might be required. The insurer can also inquire more about current medications, family history, hobbies, occupation, smoking status, and driving record.

Should you die during the term of this policy, your insurer will pay the face value of the coverage for all your dependents. In most cases, this benefit is not taxable and can’t be used by dependents to settle funeral costs, mortgage debt, consumer debt, and healthcare expenses.

And if your term life insurance expires before you die, there will be no payout. You can renew the policy after its expiration. However, these premiums will have to be recalculated depending on factors, like age.


Term life insurance coverage varies depending on several aspects. This means the best coverage for one individual can’t be the same for you.

It is important to know how coverage works to find the best product for your funds and family. Some of the common types of term life insurance policies are the following:

  • Decreasing term – This type of coverage stays the same throughout the policy length. However, the benefit decreases over time. Mortgage insurance is a kind of decreasing term life. In this, the payout is usually tied to the decreasing balance of the mortgage, and the mortgage lender is the beneficiary, not your loved ones. A regular term life insurance policy is better because your loved ones get a payout and use it to cover their expenses.
  • Yearly renewable term – This is also known as an annual renewable term. It covers the insured for one year at a time, with the option of renewing without going through medical examinations. But renewing it usually comes at a higher cost every year.
  • Level term – The level term is a kind of policy where premiums and death benefits are set when coverage is bought. It remains unchanged for the coverage. Some people call it a level of premium coverage for a reason.
  • Increasing term – The size of payout in this insurance increases as the contract period continues. The concept here is to deal with inflation. As the costs of goods become costly, every coin in the cover should stretch a bit further. But with this insurance, you will know that the coverage your beneficiaries are eligible for bigger payout.

What to Consider When Choosing the Insurance

When you think of protecting your loved ones’ financial future through a term life insurance policy, you must know the coverage amount you need.

This mostly depends on an individual’s plans and circumstances. You need to also speak to a financial advisor. But if you can calculate it yourself, you will need to consider your work life.

When it comes to work life, consider how long it will be before you retire. Without getting regular income, you may need enough coverage so as to maintain your quality of life. That means the earlier you start planning to retire, the more coverage you may need.

Income is another factor to consider. With enough cash flow or assets, you won’t need a lot of coverage to safeguard your family’s financial future.

In addition, you should consider your health status when getting term life insurance. Medical costs may make it hard to manage even when you have a regular income. Consider assessing your current health status and putting possible future complications into account when calculating how much coverage you need.

Generally, premiums depend on age, with aspects like being a smoker impacting the kind of policy you are eligible for as well as how it’s going to cost. For seniors, they will have to take blood tests and fill out complicated paperwork when applying for whole life insurance Malaysia.


A term life insurance policy is very attractive to young adults with kids. These parents may get substantial coverage at an affordable cost. If payouts are required, the dependents may depend on them so as to replace the lost income.

In addition, term life insurance policies are well-suited for individuals with growing and young families. They may expect that the coverage will be required until their kids have become adults and are able to support themselves.

The benefit of this insurance can also extend to older surviving spouses. But others options for offering a surviving spouse can be preferred, considering the high costs of premiums to an older policyholder.

It also goes without saying that term life insurance policies are straightforward. Compared with other types, this policy is easy and simple to understand. It comes with interest rates, a monetary cash value account, and other features you should manage. Other benefits may include the following:

  • Flexible terms
  • Options for switching to another insurance

Final Remarks!

Safeguarding your family against exigencies comes with unrivaled peace of mind. With a term life insurance plan, you can easily secure the well-being and future of your family. But it will be best to get clarity on how this insurance works before going for it. You can do this by researching and asking a reliable agent for help.

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